Professional Development For Teaching Artists

Developing and Deepening the Talents of Teaching Artists Internationally 

Focus 5 provides training for teaching artists focused on arts integration, residency planning, lesson design, professional development workshops, and classroom management. The trainings combine self-paced online learning modules with live virtual Zoom sessions. Optional one-to-one consulting and in-person sessions are also available. The modules are designed as a sequence where each training builds on the content taught in the previous module.

Arts Integration

Arts Integration: The What and Why

This training examines the Kennedy Center’s definition for arts integration, principles for how students learn, and how the philosophy and practice of arts integration is supported by the current theories about learning.

Teaching Students

Planning Residencies for Students

This module focuses on a 5-step process for planning residencies for students. The module can be an in-depth multi-session training course, or a 2-hour informational session.

Designing Lessons for Classroom Instruction

This module focuses on best-practice in planning lessons for students. The module can be an in-depth multi-session training course, or a 2-hour informational session.

Examining Classroom Management from a Teaching Artist’s Perspective

This training is designed to help teaching artists examine and deepen their classroom management skills.

Teaching Teachers

Developing Professional Development Workshops for Teachers

This training is designed to help teaching artists develop their skills in creating a professional development workshop.

Teaching Artists as Instructional Coaches for Teachers

This training is designed to help teaching artists develop their skills to work with teachers individually to lead arts-integrated strategies in the classroom.

Let's Get The Ball Rolling!
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We are incredibly excited at Focus 5 Arts Integration Consulting about the chance to work with you and help you integrate arts into your curriculum and classrooms.

It's powerful, it's accessible, and its effect on students is profound!